Heinz Hopf Prize for Richard Schoen
The Department of Mathematics has awarded the 2017 Heinz Hopf Prize to the American mathematician Richard Schoen.
Siddhartha Mishra: 2018 ICM invited speaker
We are delighted to announce that Professor Siddhartha Mishra will be an invited speaker at the 2018 International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in Rio de Janeiro.
Kangaroo meeting in Lucerne
Evaluating more than 1000 mathematical problems in 4 days - that was one of the main tasks of the annual country delegates’ meeting of the Association Kangourou sans Frontières (AKSF) from 11 to 15 October in Lucerne.
Paloma Bengoechea: SNF Ambizione Grant
Paloma Bengoechea has received a Ambizione Grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation for the project entitled: "Modular forms and diophantine approximation".
Die Mathematik-Welt vereint in Luzern
170 Mathe-Lehrer aus verschiedenen Ländern haben sich an der Kanti Luzern getroffen. Ihr Ziel: mit einem Wettbewerb das Interesse am eher unbeliebten Schulfach wecken.