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Archiv 2010

Datum / Zeit Referent:in Titel Ort
1 März 2010
Charles Mitchell
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Oracle inequalities using truncation and cross-valdation
HG G 19.2
2 März 2010
Dr. Christian Perret
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
The Stability of Numerical Simulations of Complex Stochastik Differential Equations
HG G 19.1
16 April 2010
Natalia Nolde
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Event Details
The Analysis of Extremes in Multivariate Models: A Geometric Approach
HG F 26.3
10 Mai 2010
Melanie Rupflin
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Harmonic map flow and variants
HG F 26.1
11 Mai 2010
Rémi Janner
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Morse homology of the loop space on the moduli space of flat connections and Yang-Mills theory
HG G 19.1
4 Juni 2010
Andreas Ott
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
The non-local symplectic vortex equations and gauged Gromov-Witten invariants
HG G 19.2
6 Juli 2010
Nicolas Städler
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
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EM-Type Algorithms for Non-Convex and High-Dimensional Problems
HG G 43
21 September 2010
Dr. Marcel Nutz
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
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Optimal Consumption and Investment with Power Utility
HG G 19.2
27 September 2010
Tobias Hartnick
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Bounded Cohomology of Hermitian Lie Groups and Applications to Higher Teichmüller Theory
HG G 19.2
4 Oktober 2010
Mohammad Hadi Hedayatzadeh
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Exterior Powers of Barsotti-Tate Groups
HG G 19.2
6 Dezember 2010
Dr. Anna Devic
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
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Adelic Openness For Drinfeld Modules In Special Characteristic
HG G 43
15 Dezember 2010
Michael Amrein
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
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Monte Carlo simulation for estimating rare event probabilities and parameters in Markov process models
HG G 19.1
22 Dezember 2010
Dr. Rafael Von Känel
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
An effective proof of the hyperelliptic Shafarevich conjecture and applications
HG G 19.1


Doktorprüfung Felix Kuchelmeister

Doktorprüfung Harald Besdziek

Doktorprüfung Federico Franceschini

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