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Archiv 2012

Datum / Zeit Referent:in Titel Ort
6 Januar 2012
Aleksander Momot
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Density of Rational Points on Commutative Group Varieties and Small Transcendence Degree
HG G 19.1
19 Januar 2012
Dr. Bernd Fellinghauer
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Understanding Human Functioning and Disability Using Graphical Models
HG G 19.2
31 Januar 2012
Dr. Oleg Reichmann
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Numerical option pricing beyond Lévy
HG G 19.1
7 Februar 2012
Andrea Ferrario
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
A-infinity Bimodules in Deformation Quantization
HG G 19.1
29 Februar 2012
Dr. Philipp Arbenz
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Multivariate Modelling in Non-Life Insurance
HG G 19.1
7 März 2012
Lars Kühne
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
An effective result of André-Oort type
HG G 43
16 März 2012
Kaspar Schüpbach
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Conflict-free Vehicle Routing with an Application to Personal Rapid Transit
HG G 19.1
19 März 2012
Dr. David Adjiashvili
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Structural Robustness in Combinatorial Optimization
HG G 19.2
16 April 2012
Christine Tobler
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Low-rank Tensor Methods for Linear Systems and Eigenvalue Problems
HG G 19.1
27 April 2012
Dr. Michael Bürgisser
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
First-Order Methods in Large-Scale Semidefinite Optimization
HG G 19.1
11 Mai 2012
Robert Haslhofer
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Stability of Ricci-flat Spaces and Singularities in 4d Ricci Flow
HG G 26.3
16 Mai 2012
Dr. Daniel Stekhoven
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Statistical Inference using High-Throughput Data in Systems Biology
HG G 19.1
21 Mai 2012
Robert Salzmann
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Stochastic Claims Reserving and Solvency
HG G 19.2
25 Mai 2012
Roman Patrick Riser
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Universility in Gaussian Random Normal Matrices
HG E 33.5
11 Juni 2012
Philipp Rütimann
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
High-dimensional estimation using graphical models and clustering
HG G 19.1
29 Juni 2012
Sarah Gerster
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Protein Inference and Quantification with Statistical Models
HG G 19.1
17 Juli 2012
Dr. Kathrin Ballerstein
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Logical Interaction Networks in Biology: Theory and Application
HG G 19.1
23 Oktober 2012
Thomas Huber
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Event Details
Rotation Quasimorphisms for Surfaces
HG G 19.1
24 Oktober 2012
Dr. Jonas Peters
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Restricted Structural Equation Models for Causal Inference
HG G 19.2
25 Oktober 2012
Lorenz Klaus
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
A Fresh Look at the Complexity of Pivoting in Linear Complementarity
HG G 19.1
9 November 2012
Ivo Kälin
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Crystalline Solids with a Uniform Distribution of Dislocations
ML H 34.3
19 November 2012
Christian Reichlin
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Non-Concave Utility Maximization: Optimal Investment, Stability and Applications
HG G 19.2
23 November 2012
Jun Yu
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Dimension Data of Closed Subgroups and Algebraic Vector Bundles on Punctured Affine Spaces and Smooth Quadrics
HG F 26.1
23 November 2012
Roman Andreev
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Stability of Space-Time Petrov-Galerkin Discretizations for Parabolic Evolution Equations
HG G 19.2
4 Dezember 2012
Evelyne Knapp
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Event Details
Numerical Methods for Comprehensive Characterization of Charge Transport in Organic Light-Emitting Devices
HG F 26.1
7 Dezember 2012
Driton Komani
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Continuation Maps in Morse Theory
HG F 26.1
13 Dezember 2012
Johannes Lederer
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Nonasymptotic Bounds for Empirical Processes and Regression
HG G 19.1
14 Dezember 2012
Jürg Portmann
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Counting Integral Points on Affine Homogeneous Varieties and Patterson-Sullivan Theory
HG G 43
17 Dezember 2012
David Belius
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Random Walk and Random Interlacements: Coupling and Cover Time Problems
HG G 19.2
17 Dezember 2012
Paolo Corti
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Stable Numerical Schemes for Magnetic Induction Equation with Hall Effect
HG F 26.1


Doktorprüfung Felix Kuchelmeister

Doktorprüfung Harald Besdziek

Doktorprüfung Federico Franceschini

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