Number theory seminar


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Herbstsemester 2015

Datum / Zeit Referent:in Titel Ort
25. September 2015
Ken Ono
Emory University

Number Theory Seminar

Titel Rogers-Ramanujan Identities and Umbral Moonshine
Referent:in, Affiliation Ken Ono, Emory University
Datum, Zeit 25. September 2015, 14:15-15:15
Ort HG G 43
Abstract The Rogers-Ramanujan identities and Monstrous moonshine are important prototypes of results which occur at the interface of number theory, representation theory and physics. The speaker will discuss these identities, and describe recent work with Duncan, Griffin on Warnaar on their recent generalizations. This will include a comprehensive framework of Rogers-Ramanujan identities and singular moduli, and recent work umbral Moonshine.
Rogers-Ramanujan Identities and Umbral Moonshineread_more
HG G 43
23. Oktober 2015
Patrik Hubschmid
Universität Göttingen

Number Theory Seminar

Titel Equidistribution of Hecke orbits on Drinfeld moduli spaces
Referent:in, Affiliation Patrik Hubschmid, Universität Göttingen
Datum, Zeit 23. Oktober 2015, 14:15-15:15
Ort HG G 43
Abstract We consider Hecke orbits of functions on Drinfeld moduli spaces. We prove an equidistribution statement which is a positive characteristic analogue of a result of Clozel and Ullmo concerning equidistribution of Hecke orbits on PGL_n(Z)\PGL_n(R). The proof uses the spectral decomposition of the space of L^2-functions on the corresponding spaces in terms of adelic automorphic representations of GL_n over global function fields.
Equidistribution of Hecke orbits on Drinfeld moduli spacesread_more
HG G 43
30. Oktober 2015
Prof. Dr. Christian Elsholtz
Technische Universität Graz and FIM

Number Theory Seminar

Titel The maximal order of the iterated divisor function
Referent:in, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Christian Elsholtz, Technische Universität Graz and FIM
Datum, Zeit 30. Oktober 2015, 14:15-15:15
Ort HG G 43
Abstract We determine asymptotically the maximal order of log d(d(n)), where d(n) is the number of positive divisors of n. This solves a problem first put forth by Ramanujan in 1915.
The maximal order of the iterated divisor functionread_more
HG G 43
6. November 2015
Prof. Dr. Philipp Habegger
Universität Basel

Number Theory Seminar

Titel Curves of Genus 2 with Bad Reduction and Complex Multiplication
Referent:in, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Philipp Habegger, Universität Basel
Datum, Zeit 6. November 2015, 14:15-15:15
Ort HG G 43
Abstract If a smooth projective curve of positive genus which is defined over a number field has good reduction at some finite place, than so does its jacobian. But the converse already fails in genus 2. To study the extent of this failure we investigate jacobians that have complex multiplication. This forces the jacobians to have potentially good reduction at all finite places by a theorem of Serre and Tate. I will present a result which roughly speaking states that a genus 2 curve whose jacobian has complex multiplication usually has bad stable reduction at at least one finite place. This is joint work with Fabien Pazuki.
Curves of Genus 2 with Bad Reduction and Complex Multiplicationread_more
HG G 43
13. November 2015
Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Kowalski
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Number Theory Seminar

Titel Bilinear forms with Kloosterman sums
Referent:in, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Kowalski, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Datum, Zeit 13. November 2015, 14:15-15:15
Ort HG G 43
Abstract We will explain recent work with Ph. Michel and W. Sawin that leads to bounds for bilinear forms involving Kloosterman sums below the Polyá-Vinogradov range. We will also present some applications.
Bilinear forms with Kloosterman sumsread_more
HG G 43
20. November 2015
Prof. Dr. Rainer Dietmann
Royal Holloway, University of London

Number Theory Seminar

Titel Random Diophantine problems
Referent:in, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Rainer Dietmann, Royal Holloway, University of London
Datum, Zeit 20. November 2015, 14:15-15:15
Ort HG G 43
Abstract Applying the Hardy-Littlewood circle method to diagonal hypersurfaces of degree d one can establish the Hasse principle providing the dimension is at least d log d (1+o(1)). Using an averaging process, we can show that already for dimension at least 3d the Hasse principle holds true with probability 1 for a random diagonal hypersurface of degree d (joint work with Jörg Brüdern). If time permits, we also briefly want to mention related results on solutions of random Diophantine inequalities and random congruences.
Random Diophantine problemsread_more
HG G 43
4. Dezember 2015
Ting-Yu Lee
EPF Lausanne

Number Theory Seminar

Titel The Hasse principle for multinorm equations
Referent:in, Affiliation Ting-Yu Lee, EPF Lausanne
Datum, Zeit 4. Dezember 2015, 14:15-15:15
Ort HG G 43
Abstract Let k be a global field and let L_0 ,...,L_m be finite separable field extensions of k. In this talk, we are interested in the Hasse principle for the multinorm equation \prod_i N_{K_i/k}(t_i)=c. Under the assumption that L_0 is a cyclic extension, we will construct the Brauer-Manin map which gives an explicit description of the Brauer-Manin obstruction to the Hasse principle. It is a joint work with Eva Bayer-Fluckiger and Raman Parimala.
The Hasse principle for multinorm equationsread_more
HG G 43
11. Dezember 2015
Prof. Dr. Evelina Viada
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Number Theory Seminar

Titel Rational points on explicit families of curves
Referent:in, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Evelina Viada, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Datum, Zeit 11. Dezember 2015, 14:15-15:15
Ort HG G 43
Abstract We give explicit height bounds for the rational points on several families of curves, proving the effective Mordell Conjecture for these curves. We then give examples of curves with no rational points, and with 2 rational points. (Joint work with S. Checcoli and F. Veneziano)
Rational points on explicit families of curvesread_more
HG G 43

Organisatoren:innen: Özlem Imamoglu, Peter Simon Jossen, Emmanuel Kowalski, Paul Nelson, Richard Pink, Evelina Viada, Gisbert Wüstholz

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