Talks in mathematical physics


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Frühjahrssemester 2021

Datum / Zeit Referent:in Titel Ort
12. April 2021
Michele Schiavina
ETH Zurich

Talks in Mathematical Physics

Titel Ruelle zeta function from field theory
Referent:in, Affiliation Michele Schiavina, ETH Zurich
Datum, Zeit 12. April 2021, 14:15-15:15
Ort Zoom recording
Abstract Meeting ID: 694 6631 1263 The password is the name of the largest sporadic group: M.....r
I will discuss a field-theoretic interpretation of Ruelle zeta function, which "counts" prime geodesics on hyperbolic manifolds, as the partition function for a topological field theory (BF) with an unusual gauge fixing condition available on contact manifolds. This suggests a rephrasing of a conjecture due to Fried, on the equivalence between Ruelle zeta function and analytic torsion, as gauge fixing independence in the Batalin--Vilkovisky formalism.
Ruelle zeta function from field theoryread_more
Zoom recording
19. April 2021
Gabriele Rembado
Universität Bonn

Talks in Mathematical Physics

Titel Irregular WZNW conformal blocks
Referent:in, Affiliation Gabriele Rembado, Universität Bonn
Datum, Zeit 19. April 2021, 14:15-15:15
Ort Zoom recording
Abstract Meeting ID: 648 3420 1681 Password: M......r, the name of the largest sporadic group
Verma modules for affine Lie algebras are used to define conformal blocks in 2-dimensional CFT, and are related to the quantisation of moduli spaces of logarithmic connections on the sphere. In this talk we will review this story, and introduce generalised affine-Lie-algebra modules to define irregular versions of conformal blocks: these will be related to the quantisation of moduli spaces of arbitrary irregular meromorphic connections.
Irregular WZNW conformal blocksread_more
Zoom recording
26. April 2021
Artem Kalmykov
Universität Zürich

Talks in Mathematical Physics

Titel Categorical approach to dynamical R-matrices
Referent:in, Affiliation Artem Kalmykov, Universität Zürich
Datum, Zeit 26. April 2021, 14:15-15:15
Ort Zoom recording
Abstract In this talk, I will explain the relation between dynamical R-matrices and the category of Harish-Chandra bimodules. In particular, I will interpret the so-called standard dynamical R-matrix in terms of the parabolic restriction functor and relate it to the Kostant-Whittaker reduction. This is a joint work with Pavel Safronov.
Categorical approach to dynamical R-matricesread_more
Zoom recording
10. Mai 2021
Huafeng Zhang
Université de Lille

Talks in Mathematical Physics

Titel Shifted Yangians and polynomial R-matrices
Referent:in, Affiliation Huafeng Zhang, Université de Lille
Datum, Zeit 10. Mai 2021, 14:15-15:15
Ort Zoom recording
Abstract Meeting ID: 667 7456 4743 Password: M......r, the name of the largest sporadic group
Associated to a complex finite-dimensional simple Lie algebra are the so-called shifted Yangians, which include Drinfeld's Yangian as a particular case. We study a category O of representations of shifted Yangians. We establish cyclicity and cocyclicity properties for tensor products of arbitrary irreducible modules with a distinguished family of modules. This implies existence, uniqueness and polynomiality of the R-matrices for such tensor products. As an application, we prove that the tensor product of two irreducible modules is of finite representation length. (Joint work with David Hernandez)
Shifted Yangians and polynomial R-matricesread_more
Zoom recording
17. Mai 2021
Matthias Traube
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München

Talks in Mathematical Physics

Titel Cardy algebras, sewing constraints and string nets
Referent:in, Affiliation Matthias Traube, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München
Datum, Zeit 17. Mai 2021, 14:15-15:15
Ort Zoom recording
Abstract In this talk I will bring together three different concepts surrounding categorical descriptions for RCFTs. Firstly, Cardy algebras were introduced by Kong in order to describe the genus zero and one part of full open-closed RCFTs. Secondly, string-nets were shown by Kirillov to compute the state space of the Reshetikhin-Turaev three dimensional topological field theory. I will bring the two ingredients together, in order to show the third one. That is, I will show how Cardy algebra colored string-nets solve the sewing constraints, thereby giving rise to consistent correlators in full open-closed RCFTs and vice versa. The talk is based on the preprint: arXiv:2009.11895.
Cardy algebras, sewing constraints and string netsread_more
Zoom recording
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